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What Is The Difference Between Metallic Silicon 441 And 553?

What Is The Difference Between Metallic Silicon 441 And 553?

As an additive to non-iron-based alloys, metallic silicon is widely used in the steelmaking industry. So where is metallic silicon specifically used?

What Is The Difference Between Metallic Silicon 441 And 553?

ZhenAn Metal Silicon Manufacturers Environment

What Is The Difference Between Metallic Silicon 441 And 553?

Silicon Metal 6

As an additive to non-iron-based alloys, metallic silicon is widely used in the steelmaking industry. So where is metallic silicon specifically used?


Silicon Metal 7


What is the difference between metallic silicon 553 and 441? Let’s learn more about it below.


Silicon Metal 8

Metallic silicon, also known as crystalline silicon or industrial silicon, is mainly used as an additive for non-iron-based alloys. Metallic silicon is a product smelted from quartz and coke in an electric furnace.


Silicon Metal 9

The main component silicon content is about 98%, and the remaining impurities are iron, aluminum, calcium, etc.


Silicon Metal 10

In our country, metallic silicon is usually classified according to the content of its three main impurities: iron, aluminum, and calcium.


Silicon Metal 11


According to the percentage content of iron, aluminum, and calcium in metallic silicon, metallic silicon can be divided into different grades such as 553, 441, 411, 421, 3303, 3305, 2202, 2502, 1501, and 1101. In each grade, the first and second codes represent the percentage content of iron and aluminum, and the third and fourth digits represent the calcium content, so 553 represents the content of iron, aluminum and calcium in metallic silicon, which is 0.5% and 0.5%. %, 0.3%; 441 represents the content of iron, aluminum and calcium in metallic silicon is 0.4%, 0.4%, 0.1%



Silicon Metal 12


It can be seen that the difference between 441 and 553 is the difference in purity. The silicon content of 553 is ≥98.7%, while the silicon content of 441 is ≥99.1%.


Silicon Metal 13


Specifically, industrial silicon is obtained by the high-temperature reaction of quartz and carbon in a submerged furnace. SIO2+C=SI+CO2.


Silicon Metal 14

Quartz can be of poor quality or good quality, and carbon as a reducing agent can also be of poor quality or good quality. The difference in these raw materials determines the purity of industrial silicon. From a cost perspective, obviously the higher the quality of the raw materials, the more expensive they will be.

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