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Definition and Properties of Primary Magnesium Ingot

Primary Magnesium Ingot, my dear reader, is a term that denotes the utmost purity of magnesium, fashioned through the primary production process. This esteemed metal is acquired through the wondrous process of electrolysis, wherein magnesium chloride or magnesium oxide is subjected to such an electrical current that the result is a metal of the highest purity, with nary a trace of impurity to be found. The physical attributes of this remarkable ingot are indeed a sight to behold, for it possesses a resplendent silver-white appearance, a density so low as to be considered ethereal, and a conductivity both thermal and electrical that is nothing short of exceptional. Yet, let us not forget the chemical nature of this extraordinary substance, for it is highly reactive, ever willing to form compounds with other elements. It is precisely these remarkable properties that render primary magnesium ingot a material of immense value in a multitude of industries, including the illustrious realms of automotive, aerospace, and electronics.




Production Process of Primary Magnesium Ingot

The production process of primary magnesium ingot entails several pivotal steps, encompassing the extraction of magnesium from minerals or seawater, refining and purification of the precious metal, and the casting and solidification of the esteemed primary magnesium ingot.

Extraction of Magnesium from Minerals or Seawater

The extraction of magnesium can be derived from diverse sources, be it minerals or seawater. The customary method employed for extracting magnesium from minerals involves the process of electrolysis. Magnesium-rich minerals such as dolomite or magnesite are initially crushed and thereafter heated in a furnace, affording the production of magnesium oxide. Subsequently, the magnesium oxide is amalgamated with a reducing agent, such as ferrosilicon or carbon, and subjected to the process of electrolysis, thereby segregating the magnesium from accompanying elements. Conversely, seawater can also serve as a plentiful source of magnesium. It is subjected to chemical treatment, effectively eliminating impurities, and subsequently undergoes electrolysis to procure the coveted magnesium.



Refining and Purification of Magnesium

Upon completion of the extraction process, the acquired magnesium necessitates refinement and purification to adhere to the requisite quality standards. The impurities present within the magnesium, including calcium, aluminum, and iron, are eradicated through an assortment of refining techniques. One prevalent method entails the utilization of chlorine gas, which reacts with impurities, giving rise to volatile compounds that can be effortlessly separated. An alternative technique incorporates the employment of vacuum distillation, whereby the magnesium is exposed to heat under vacuum conditions, effectively eliminating impurities. The refined magnesium subsequently undergoes further purification through processes such as fractional crystallization or solvent extraction, ensuring its unparalleled purity.

Casting and Solidification of Primary Magnesium Ingot

Once the magnesium has been refined and purified, it is primed for casting and solidification into primary magnesium ingots. The molten magnesium is artfully poured into molds, typically fashioned from steel or cast iron. These molds are meticulously designed to bestow the ingots with their desired shape and size. As the molten magnesium gradually cools and solidifies, it undergoes a remarkable phase transition, metamorphosing from a liquid to a solid state. This meticulous solidification process guarantees the ingots possess a uniform structure and composition. Once solidified, the primary magnesium ingots are poised for further processing or for utilization within a myriad of industries that require the remarkable properties of magnesium.

III. Applications and Uses of Primary Magnesium Ingot

Primary magnesium ingots, with their remarkable properties, find themselves indispensable across a multitude of industries. Let us explore the key sectors where the use of primary magnesium ingots is most prevalent:

Automotive Industry Applications

The automotive industry, ever in pursuit of innovation, extensively utilizes primary magnesium ingots owing to their lightweight and unparalleled strength. Derived from these ingots, magnesium alloys play a vital role in the manufacturing of engine components, transmission cases, steering wheels, and structural parts. By incorporating magnesium into automobiles, the overall vehicle weight is significantly reduced, thereby enhancing fuel efficiency and curbing emissions.

European strategic small metal magnesium quotation on January 13

Variety Unit Latest Price Increase or Decrease
Magnesium (99.9%, produced in China) USD/ton 2325 0

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