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Ferromolybdenum 60

Ferromolybdenum 60

The grade of ferromolybdenum is generally between 55-60.

 Natural Block, 10-100mm, or customized to customer requirements.
 waterproof, woven bag ton packing (1000KG per pack).

Metallurgical Product Description

Ferromolybdenum is an iron alloy composed of molybdenum and iron. The grade of ferromolybdenum is generally between 55-60. Its main use is as an additive for molybdenum in steelmaking. Adding molybdenum to steel can make the steel have a uniform fine-grained structure, improve the hardenability of the steel, and help eliminate temper brittleness. In high-speed steel, molybdenum can replace part of tungsten.

Product Parameters

Ferromolybdenum FeMo composition (%)
Grade Mo Si S P C Cu Sb Sn
FeMo70 65.0~75.0 2 0.08 0.05 0.1 0.5
FeMo60-A 60.0~65.0 1 0.08 0.04 0.1 0.5 0.04 0.04
FeMo60-B 60.0~65.0 1.5 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.5 0.05 0.06
FeMo60-C 60.0~65.0 2 0.15 0.05 0.15 1 0.08 0.08
FeMo55-A 55.0~60.0 1 0.1 0.08 0.15 0.5 0.05 0.06
FeMo55-B 55.0~60.0 1.5 0.15 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.08 0.08

Specifications: Natural Block, 10-100mm, or customized to customer requirements.
Packing: waterproof, woven bag ton packing (1000KG per pack).

Product Advantages

The atomic weight of molybdenum is 95.94. The outer electronic structure is 4d5s, the melting point is 2615°C, the boiling point is 4610°C, and the density (20°C) is 10.2g/cm. The binary phase diagram of molybdenum and iron is shown in Figure 1. Molybdenum and iron form two solid solutions, α and γ, and two intermetallic compounds, ε (Fe7Mo6) and σ (FeMo) phases. Industrial ferromolybdenum contains about 60% Mo, the melting temperature is 1800~1900℃, and the density is about 9.0g/cm.

The role of molybdenum in steel can be summarized as improving hardenability, improving thermal strength, preventing temper brittleness, improving remanence and coercivity, corrosion resistance in certain media, and preventing pitting corrosion tendencies. Due to the various beneficial effects of molybdenum in steel, it is widely used in a series of steel types such as structural steel, spring steel, bearing steel, tool steel, stainless acid-resistant steel, heat-resistant steel (also called heat-strength steel), and magnetic steel. , has been widely used. Molybdenum is very effective in improving the strength and toughness of cast iron. When the addition amount is 0.25% to 1.25%, it can also form a pearlite matrix structure for castings with medium and large cross-sections. Commonly used in rolls and other wear-resistant castings.

Manufacture And Use

The raw material for smelting ferromolybdenum is mainly molybdenite (MoS2). Before smelting, the molybdenum concentrate is usually oxidized and roasted in a multi-hearth furnace to obtain roasted molybdenum ore with a sulfur content of less than 0.07%. Ferromolybdenum smelting generally adopts the outside-furnace method. 、

The furnace is a cylinder placed on a sand base, lined with clay bricks, and uses ferrosilicon containing 75% silicon and a small amount of aluminum particles as the reducing agent. After the charge is added into the furnace barrel at one time, it is smelted by the upper ignition method.

Use an initiator (saltpeter, aluminum chips, or magnesium chips) on the material surface. After ignition, it will react violently, then calm, release slag, and remove the furnace barrel. The ferromolybdenum ingots are first cooled in the sand nest, then sent to the cooling room to be flushed with water for cooling, and finally crushed and finished. The metal recovery rate is 92 to 99%. In the steelmaking industry in recent years, molybdenum oxide briquettes have been widely used to replace ferromolybdenum.

Ferromolybdenum is usually smelted by the metal thermal method.


  1. Applications of ferromolybdenum Depending on the content and range of molybdenum, ferroalloys can be produced, which are suitable for machine tool equipment, military equipment, refinery pipes, load-bearing parts, and rotational movements.
  2. Ferromolybdenum is also used in cars, trucks, locomotives, ships, etc. In addition, ferromolybdenum is used in stainless and heat-resistant steels in synthetic fuel and chemical plants, heat exchangers, generators, refinery equipment, pumps, turbine tubes, ship propellers, plastics and acids, and storage vessels.
  3. Tool steel with high iron-molybdenum content, used for high-speed machining parts, cold work tools, drill bits, screwdrivers, molds, chisels, heavy castings, balls, and large drill bits for rolling mills, rolls, cylinder blocks, pistons, and rings.

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